Wednesday, August 12, 2009

looking to the Father

when i am old and wise, i might publish a book. but while both of my babies are under two and under, i hardly have the time, or the accumulated wisdom, to warrant writing a book. so i think i'll just get a blogspot instead, and use it to journal some of the jewels i find and wisdom i learn as God instructs me day by day. this whole parenting thing seems to be a learn-as-you-go type of thing, and i am realizing that parenting is a journey. it is the type of journey that makes me press closer to my Shepherd, and tune my ears to His Words and His heartbeat, and fix my eyes on His walk to follow in His way, and confess to Him often how constantly i need Him.

if you are a fellow-mama reading this blog, the first thing i want you to know is this: you do not need my blog. you do not need another parenting manual, in order to parent successfully. what you need - what all of us need - is the grace of God, the power of God, and the wisdom of God.

so if you are reading my writing at the expense of taking time to nurture your own relationship with God, stop reading. click the little "x" at the top right hand corner of the internet explorer window, and go take a few moments to quiet yourself in God's presence. if you haven't had time to read God's Book for awhile, forget this blog and go read God's Book so you can know the heart of the perfect Father. and if you haven't had time to pray for awhile, please don't let precious moments slip away while you read my blog. you don't really need anything a 24 year old mama has to suggest in the way of parenting. what you need is the grace and power of God, and His wisdom. so go get on your knees, or on your face on the floor, and ASK HIM FOR IT.

as i write this to you, i myself am humbled by the realization of how much i need God. and my own heart is being instructed to lay aside the laptop, and go get facedown on the floor, and pray for myself and my two little girls and my husband.

there is a time for everything, and this is not the time to read or write or be online. it is the time to pray.